Kingdom Come Ministries Inc. Worldwide is fruit by which Billie Stoker is known .

Billie Stoker
Native-born Texan, trained up in the household of faith from the days of childhood, Billie is a born-again, gospel of Christ Believer-- an immovable, red-letter Believer.
After graduating high school, Billie, youngest of four, left Texas to be near her three siblings in San Francisco.
After 26 years of employment in San Francisco-Bay Area, and northern California office arenas of corporate America, private law firms, and civil service, the congenital condition of scoliosis served to be a bountiful blessing beyond measure; forcing Billie's exit from her 9 to 5 sedentary desks of financial gain, but unfulfilling, employment.
Forced out of her accustomed lifestyle of "self-independence" at age 44, twice divorced, single mother of an only child--a late teens African-American male child--Billie had no idea her cry "Okay, Father what on earth am I going to do now," had not only been answered before she called, but her move to California had been predestined.
Several months prior to August 10, 1991, Billie's last day of
employment with the state of California, her steps were divinely
ordered to the dynamic teaching, visionary, and warfare ministry of Calvary Christian Center (CCC), Sacramento, CA, Drs. Phillip and Brenda Goudeaux.
Billie is forever grateful for the SKO (spiritual knock out) teachings of former boxer, and former member of the Black Panther party, Pastor Phillip G. Goudeaux; accompanied by the wise as a serpent, harmless as a dove spirit of 1st Lady Brenda.
Shortly after her first of seven years at CCC, Billie responded to the altar call for those who had acknowledged belief in Christ; but as written in Jude 20, were not operating with their "most holy faith", i.e., praying in the Holy Ghost.
Studying under the demon-trembler voice of Min. Lue Johnson, then Dean of Calvary's Faith Alive Bible Training College, and spiritual warfare instructor, Billie was well-taught and skillfully trained in the dynamics of warfare. Her most memorable words from Min. Lue: ''Anytime Satan gets past your heel, you've let him get too high."
Though Billie's greatest love on earth is children, a childbirth film her sophomore year of high school made a lasting impression; giving rise to her decision she'd be the biological mother of only one child; or ideally, a set of twins, preferably boy and girl.
After birth of her son at age 25, her heart's desire was to adopt and/or become a foster parent. Quite naturally, Billie's plan seemed good to her. Little did she know her Father was soon to begin a greater work in her.
A few years after Billie's 1987 rededication of life to Christ, the Father's plan for her began to manifest; which was neither to adopt nor become a foster parent. Greater than the eyes of her imagination could envision, Billie's two greatest loves this side of heaven (children and music, respectively), coupled with her warfare training, had served to be the catalyst for her to become a worldwide Kingdom village mother to children, youth, and young adults of all nations.
In 1991, he who makes all things perfect in his time blessed Billie to become the grandmother to a set of twins--granddaughter and grandson; and, again in 1995 with her youngest granddaughter. Billie is now the proud to be "GreatGrams" to 5 great-granddaughters; 1 great-grandson.
Step by step and leap by leap, Billie's upward trajectory in the Kingdom of her Father has stretched her from faith to faith; and to the level of the divine and most Holy Faith; pas written er Touched by the gentle breeze of the Holy Spirit's wisdom, knowledge, understanding, patience; and, propelled glory to glory by the mighty rushing wind of the Holy Ghost, the unveiling of God's good pleasure for Billie is being revealed, wondrously worked out with due temperance of reverential fear and trembling.