About isMv-iw
I SILENCE MEDIA VIOLENCE INC WORLDWIDE ("isMv-iw") is founded upon truth absolute that all things, including that of quelling violence, can and will be done triumphantly through the wisdom and power of the Creator of all things, Christ Jesus.
In the early 90s I was divinely assigned to the mountain of entertainment. More specifically, my assigned post was diabolical musical sounds and lyrics instilling the spirit to murder thy brother, misogynize thy sister, and vilify thy village within the spirit, heart, body, and soul of children, youth, and young adults (CYYA). Consequential to mass school shootings, massacre thy school mates became part of the assignment.
It is written when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord shall raise up a standard. Of a certainty, the enemy has long been coming against the lives of our CYYA like a flood. Has the Lord raised up a standard? Absolutely.
The standard of our Lord that was raised up when Christ was on earth was not dependent on the government and laws of man. Christ came for the purpose of defeating the works of the devil. Before returning to the Father, his John 17 prayer to the Father informs us he did what he was sent to do; specifically, demonstrate the power available to those who are hearers, believers, and doers of the things he taught, demonstrated, authorized, and empowered the disciples; with command they do and likewise do.
We, the young, the old, the rich, the poor, the peculiar people of God collectively, are The Church; the only entity this side of heaven authorized and empowered by Christ to destroy the gates of hell.
Scripture does not teach Satan is the prince of the air; rather, he is the prince of the “power” of the air. When we meditate that scripture, it is key that we realize the ‘air’ is the power. Through networks of warfare ministries, kingdom treaders, use of kingdom warfare weapons, and our Lord of hosts’ unprecedented battle plan, Operation Like Lightning, the Kingdom's weapons of war shall surely silence strongholds of media violence--in the North, in the South, in the East, and, in the West.