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Guided by the Holy Spirit, KCMIW an online ministry by assignment. While subject to change, its vision will always align with projects reflected in its menu.
With each opportunity that presents itself, a primary goal of KCMIW is instilling the vision of Christians living our best life; in the victory of what Christ has done and has made equally available to all who hear his Word; believe his Word; and do his Word.
Knowing the kingdom of God is with-IN US (Luke 17:21); knowing the keys of the Kingdom (Matthew 16:19) are given unto those who become Believers (John 17:6) ; and knowing we who are Kingdom of God Believers were raisED up and are seatED* in heavenly places with Christ (Eph. 2:6), are life-changing truths.
Michael Stampley's live worship of "Heaven on Earth;" reveals a truth not realized by far too many Believers. Give a close eye and ear and see if you can determine which of the Deuteronomy 14:10 heavens Michael unveils.
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